To enforce the understanding of theoretical concepts of educational psychology, the student teachers perform experiments, administer tests and questionnaires to obtain results and interpret them to effectively perform their professional tasks. The student teachers are also given training in preparing tests and questionnaires of different types for different purpose which they can use for undertaking research and other psychological processes like learning, memory, forgetting, thinking, problem solving, reasoning, motivation, emotion etc., and coping processes and strategies. Our psychology resource centre is designed to cater to the above said needs.
To enable the student teachers develop interest and appreciate various pedagogical principles in teaching computer science. Our computer science lab is equipped with 50 computers. The students also develop skills in preparing and using Computer Assisted Instruction Programme. The lab has printing facility and internet connectivity. The student identifies websites relating to the school curriculum.
We create awareness among prospective teachers about information and communication Technology and its use in teaching learning process information and communication technology is equipped with smart board, OHP, LCD Projector, Tape recorder, Television, Camera and computers
ORELL Software has been installed in the language lab and 30 students at one siting are enabled to have access to spoken English, Group Discussion and interaction.
- The pupil acquires knowledge of scientific laws, experiments facts and ideas.
- To develop scientific aptitude and research nature
- The Pupil acquires knowledge of plant and animal scientific names facts, concepts and principle.
- The develop interest, Scientific attitude and appreciate nature.
- Student teachers participation in physical activities shall keep him/ her physically and emotionally healthy and fit for discharging professional responsibilities. It relieves them of the strains and boredom. To promote this the student teachers are encouraged to play volleyball, football cricket and other indoor games. They also get guidance to improve their performance in the field and track events.
Health Education is a process that empowers people to develop and capability of self- health care through self – reliance (using available resources) and social responsibility so health education is given due importance and the student teachers are instructed to practice yoga and pranayama to main absolute health. Health awareness programmers are conducted regularly.
Cultural activity and art and craft education are placed on equal footing with other disciplines for a balanced development of the student. Awareness is also created among the students to promote understand and appreciate the Indian art and Culture. Student Teachers also participate in inter collegiate competitions to exhibit their talents.
This college has fully furnished separate hostel for boys and girls. Purified water for drinking is a provided in the hostel. Recreation rooms equipped with television and newspaper stationary first aid, sick rook are available in the hostel.
A hygienic Canteen is run by the Management in the campus to cater the needs of the students and staff.
To enhance the skill and ability of the students, to develop competency in the field/ subject of study and to develop leadership qualities, talents and potentials and organizing ability all departments have associations functioning independently to promote co – curricular activities. The association activity includes discussion, debates, quiz porgrammes and guest lecture.
Enhancing Professional Capacities [EPC]
- To enhance students reading and writing skills for effective preparation of diverse texts / books.
- To use techniques of Art, Music and drama for enhancing teaching and learning, specifically their creativities and aesthetic sensibilities
- To teach effectively in a technology enhanced classroom to achieve knowledge comprehension, practice skills and presentation skills in Information and communication Technology [ICT].
- To develop a holistic and integrated understanding of the human self and personalities.
Socially Useful and Productive work (SUPW)
SUPW is an integral part of our curriculum, participation in all activities pertaining to SUPW is compulsory these activities are managed by our own faculty through resource persons. Students are given training on making Toys, Detergents, Greeting Cards, envelope, note books, food processing gardening etc.,